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Efficient functioning of an industrial enterprise is not only a matter of technique and new technologies, but also of rational planning, decision making on investments and financial transactions. The INVESTMENT PLANNING IN INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS study program wants to bring highly qualified graduates to the labor market for professional and managerial positions and thus increase awareness of Slovakia not only as a cheap workforce.

Investment planning in an industrial enterprise has a multidisciplinary character because it combines knowledge from technical (e.g. construction, engineering, energy and other) and social scientific disciplines (e.g. economics, law, sociology). In connection with the application of the elements of Industry 4.0. requirements for qualifications, new knowledge and skills of graduates are also gradually changing across the sectors of the national economy.

The study program already in the present, within the framework of all three degrees of study, places new demands on students due to the influence of Industry 4.0, which conditions the creation of new job positions, requiring new knowledge and skills, which graduates of technical university studies must possess within the framework of new job positions on the labor market in the future. These are primarily IT knowledge, skills and abilities, knowledge management, statistical knowledge, the ability to interact with a modern environment such as robots and humanoids, teamwork and cooperation, social skills, knowledge in the field of modern approaches in the evaluation of investment projects and their financing, controlling, etc.

An integral part of the teaching process within the study program Investment planning in an industrial enterprise is innovative approaches in education in the context of Industry 4.0. as well as mandatory field trips to companies in several industries, which significantly contributes to the development of students’ new knowledge.